Monday, April 30, 2007
I joined the John Birch Society, and you should, too.
In the book of Ecclesiastes, the God inspired wise man Solomon writes that "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" (Ecc 3:1). He continues in verse 3: "a time to break down, and a time to build up". Right now our own country is broken down, and it is time to build it back up. The nation has lost it's moral base. Where the country once stood for truth, as found in the word of God; it now stands for a lie, in secular humanism. Where the country once stood for freedom and rugged individualism, it now stands for government control and nanny statism. We need a group that will work to restore our nation. The John Birch Society is just such a group. The JBS fights tirelessly for truth, morality and freedom. The concept is called "Americanism" and it is what made our country great. America was truly blessed by God because it was built on the truth, morality, and freedom found in the Bible. The JBS has an action network that extends across the country. The JBS is organized into chapters which means that there is probably an active group near wherever you are. Please consider this and go to to find out for yourself what the John Birch Society is all about. There truly is a time for every purpose. Right now is the time for action.