Monday, October 02, 2006

Shootings will continue until we acknowledge God again

It is so obvious that something evil has penetrated our country's schools. There have now been three school shootings in the last week. Suicide rates are on the rise. Our kids are in trouble. "What is missing?" You may ask. The answer is simple.........God. America has eliminated the God of the Bible from all of public life including the school systems. Yahweh has been replaced with the god (little "g") of secular humanism. It is obvious that ever since evolution took the Supreme Creator out of the picture, the moral slide began. Look at us now:abortion, the murder of innocent human preborn children, is not only legal, it is celebrated; homosexuality has now been "normalized", with "scientific proof" that it is a physical condition (instead of the lifestyle choice it is); married men and women cheat on their spouses with little or no remorse. Why, after all, should we try to be "good" if we are nothing more than evolved apes. If we tend be bad, it is just in our genes. It wouldn't matter if there were no higher power to hold us ultimately accountable. "If it feels it."
We need to bring God back into public life. I am not talking of a general god, appealing to those of "all faiths". I am talking about the God of the Bible. Faith in Jesus Christ is the only hope for a lost and dying world. America will continue to slide further into the cultural morass as long as Jesus is pushed aside.