Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Dare to Be A Daniel

"Children are an heritage to the Lord". The children of America are under attack like never before. This is not a physical attack, it is an attack on their faith. It is an attack on their young morals. With public schools pushing anti-Christian agendas and the media dumping heaps of immoral images into homes daily, children need the Lord. What is the best way to reach these children at risk? First of all, it is the parents that have the most influence over children's lives. A Christian parent must walk the walk, even more than they must talk the talk. What about those children that do not have Christian parents, or whose parents are backslidden bad examples? The best hope to reach these kids are the other kids around them. In recognition of that fact, Franklin Graham has created a program called "Dare to Be A Daniel". This program, named after the Old Testament hero Daniel, teaches children to be an effective witness to other children. "D2BD" uses 21st century technology to teach kids to teach a timeless message. The introductory packet includes a CD ROM for your computer, memory verses, a letter to the pastor or youth pastor and a link to the D2BD website. The only weak spot in the otherwise strong program is the use of NIV verses as opposed to the KJV. The program, as a whole, is a very good program and worthy of your time if you have children. You can visit the website at to learn more.

Monday, April 30, 2007

I joined the John Birch Society, and you should, too.

In the book of Ecclesiastes, the God inspired wise man Solomon writes that "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" (Ecc 3:1). He continues in verse 3: "a time to break down, and a time to build up". Right now our own country is broken down, and it is time to build it back up. The nation has lost it's moral base. Where the country once stood for truth, as found in the word of God; it now stands for a lie, in secular humanism. Where the country once stood for freedom and rugged individualism, it now stands for government control and nanny statism. We need a group that will work to restore our nation. The John Birch Society is just such a group. The JBS fights tirelessly for truth, morality and freedom. The concept is called "Americanism" and it is what made our country great. America was truly blessed by God because it was built on the truth, morality, and freedom found in the Bible. The JBS has an action network that extends across the country. The JBS is organized into chapters which means that there is probably an active group near wherever you are. Please consider this and go to to find out for yourself what the John Birch Society is all about. There truly is a time for every purpose. Right now is the time for action.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Awash in the blood of innocents.

In the book of Psalms, we read "Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD" (Psalm 127:3a). Human beings are created in the image of God. When we destroy innocent human life, we are spitting at the living God and inviting our own judgement. When a country, such as America, allows this murder, we are guilty, as a group, of violating the sixth commandment "Thou shalt not kill." (Exodus 20:13) The country of Mexico has now voted to legalize abortion. As I write this, unborn babies are being destroyed. Mexico is a sovereign country, therefore our view of what their society is permitting is moot. It is, however, evident that they were highly influenced by their northern neighbors in America who have embraced a culture of death. We murder 1.8 million innocent unborn babies each year in America. Only the Lord above knows how many future doctors, scientists, teachers and preachers are destroyed each year. As America, Mexico and Canada march in lock-step towards integration ( Mexico has now joined their neighbors in allowing murder of the innocents. Certainly, as with Abel, the blood is crying out to God. How much longer will he withhold his judgement?

Into the closet

A view of why any pro-life Christian Republican should reconsider their party membership.

Pastor Chuck Baldwin's speech at the Constitution Party national meeting

Roy Moore: Our God given right of self defense.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Society is crying out for God

Again America is in mourning over a shooting in a school. The Virginia Tech tragedy has us all pondering why such a senseless tragedy would take place. One week after the tragedy, many public officials are considering what they can do to make people safer. Once again, Americans are wrongly looking to the government as savior and protector. There is a growing chorus of people looking to further limit our second amendment rights to own firearms. This is exactly the opposite of what we should be thinking. If only there were a few armed citizens on campus, the loss of life may have been greatly reduced. Unfortunately this idea will never be "on the table" with our elected officials until Americans, as a group, stand up and demand them to allow us to protect ourselves. We do not need the government to further limit our behaviors in the wake of this tremendous tragedy. That would only make matters worse. If America truly cherishes the freedom we historically have enjoyed, the only option is to turn back to the only true God, Yahweh, the God of the Bible. God promises us he will "heal our land" if we hit our knees and turn from our wicked ways and turn to him. We all need healing, what we don't need is more government intrusion on our cherished liberties.

Friday, March 16, 2007

LD 1309 is an abomonation and must be stopped.

"Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward." (Psalm 127:3) In the above passage we see how God views children. Being created in his image, all children are His "heritage". They are His "reward". How much the LORD values his children is obvious. We are, after all, "fearfully and wonderfully made". In the New Testament Jesus tells us: "But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone werehanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea." (Matthew 18:6) Throughout the Bible, there are verses that show how highly the LORD values his seed. It is easy to see that to the LORD, abortion is an absolute abomonation. America is losing 1.8 million children to abortion every year. The blood of the unborn is crying out daily. God hears those cries. God also knows that in Maine, our legislature is pushing a bill forward that allows public financing of abortion. Mainers are now facing the possibility that our taxes will fund the death of the innocent unborn. This is disgusting. In an even worse twist, the Republican party has four co-sponsors to this bill. The Republican party once stood for something, it is now simply another pro-death party (like the Democrats). For those readers still enrolled in the Republican party, please let these representatives know that you will not stand by and let your God-given resources fund murder. Let them know that they should be standing up for the unborn, not forcing us to finance their murder. The Republican sponsors are: Abagail Holman , Peter Mills , Roberta Muse , Meredith N. Strang Burgess . For a complete list of all sponsors of this bill of death, visit and do a search for LD 1309. God sees those who murder his little ones, he also sees the society that allows it to happen.

Monday, March 05, 2007

God Save America

2 Chronicles 7:14

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

In that Old Testament verse, the Lord lays out the ultimate prescription for America. Political parties will not stop the downward spiral that our society is caught in. No institute of man can stop, much less slow down this downbound train. In the book of Psalms (127:1) we read that "Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain." If the Lord is not at the foundation of any movement to right our beloved nation, any effort will be labouring in vain. We must start with fervent prayer for God to show our country mercy and for Christ's own people to stand up and make a difference. We flout the Law of God daily, with 1.8 million abortions annually, we are awash in the blood of our youth. If the Lord heard the cries of Abel's blood (Genesis 4:10), how loud the crying must be with 47 million (and counting) unborn lives lost to the holocaust of abortion. With states approval of "civil unions" and gay marriage, we are ignoring the family structure that God himself designed. With a culture full of the "porn lifestyle" and "if it feels good, do it" , we worship at the altar of sexual impropriety daily. God will not bless our America until we, as a people, turn to him. We need to continue to pray for mercy. We also need to stand up and take action to spread the Gospel of Christ to every person, off every street corner, in every land. Finally, we need to stand up for the morality of the Holy Bible. Anything less is a dereliction of our duty as Christians. When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you are purchased with a price. Jesus went to the Cross and made the ultimate sacrifice so that you can live. There is absolutely no way for us to earn our position in God's family. Our own riteousness is as filthy rags. We can and must, however, spread the gospel and stand up for what is right. It is our duty.
If you are reading this and you are not saved please visit the following link:
Thank you and may God Save America.

Friday, January 05, 2007

2007, a new year, a new mission.

The election is long past. The celebrations are over. It is now time for Maine taxpayers to strap in and hold on. There will be no moving in the cabin while in flight. We will arrive soon. It's "Destination Socialism" for all on board. The 2007 legislative session promises to bring more re-distribution of the "wealth", more state funding of abortions, more spending on stem-cell research, more funding of the socialized Dirigo health care plan, more "tax breaks" to keep our college graduates in Maine......Need I go on? It is very obvious that Maine is rapidly moving from a blue state to a green/red state (commonly referred to as a "Watermelon" state where we outwardly are green environmentalists but inwardly red socialists). Am I over reacting? Judge for yourself.
Here are some of the bond issues that have already been proposed (curteosy of the Maine Jeremiah Project):
  • An act to provide equity in funding for women's health services (which provides for free abortions). Submitted by President Edmonds.
  • An act authorizing a general fund bond issue to promote stem cell research. Sponsored by Senator Strimling.

This is a list of bills that are being referred to various committees:

  • An act to support the creative economy effort.
  • An act to promote compassion in school children.
  • A resolve to evaluate parenting education and to develop parenting resources in Maine High Schools.
  • An act to encourage the elderly to stay at home for care.

The state is taking over. While the wallets of those of us who are gainfully employed and/or property owners hemorrhage cash into the Maine government vacuum, our moral compass turns closer to true south. Taxpayers may be coerced into supporting abortions and stem cell research ( both of which destroy innocent human life). We may also be forced to shell out for our nanny government to play the part of parent and pastor in telling our youngsters how to be compassionate and how to raise their children. As with every session, we will be forced to purchase more and more land for "conservation", further limiting potential economic growth. There will be more easements, tying the hands of property owners from Kittery to Fort Kent. There will be the continued effort to prop up the disastrous Dirigo health care plan. Things look bleak, but there is always hope.

Our mission should be to look true north, to our Lord and Savior. Much prayer is needed. Maine is not a lost cause, despite the continued socialization of the state. There are groups working hard to look out f0r the best interests of Maine. The Christian Civic League of Maine, Concerned Women for America of Maine, The Maine Right to Life, The Maine Jeremiah Project....These are all groups worthy of our support. If we hit our knees and pray and work together, we can make a difference.