Monday, April 23, 2007

Society is crying out for God

Again America is in mourning over a shooting in a school. The Virginia Tech tragedy has us all pondering why such a senseless tragedy would take place. One week after the tragedy, many public officials are considering what they can do to make people safer. Once again, Americans are wrongly looking to the government as savior and protector. There is a growing chorus of people looking to further limit our second amendment rights to own firearms. This is exactly the opposite of what we should be thinking. If only there were a few armed citizens on campus, the loss of life may have been greatly reduced. Unfortunately this idea will never be "on the table" with our elected officials until Americans, as a group, stand up and demand them to allow us to protect ourselves. We do not need the government to further limit our behaviors in the wake of this tremendous tragedy. That would only make matters worse. If America truly cherishes the freedom we historically have enjoyed, the only option is to turn back to the only true God, Yahweh, the God of the Bible. God promises us he will "heal our land" if we hit our knees and turn from our wicked ways and turn to him. We all need healing, what we don't need is more government intrusion on our cherished liberties.